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This is the CTA Production Contract used for all of our production periods. Please read thoroughly. Once cast in a production, you will need to print the contract out. Both the parent and student involved in the production will need to sign the Agreement forms at the end of the contract. A downloadable PDF version is available at the bottom of the page.


CTA Production Contract


  • Respect for all authority figures as well as fellow students is expected at all times. Actors are expected to have attitudes of inclusion toward cast mates. Cliques are a distraction that often result in hurt feelings and take away from the atmosphere of the classes. Inappropriate physical contact is not allowed.

  • Students are expected to arrive to rehearsals on time and not leave rehearsal until the Director has dismissed them. Two late arrivals to rehearsal equals ONE ABSENCE.

  • Cast is expected to remain in the rehearsal room at all times and may only exit the room with permission from the Director or Assistant.

  • All actors need to check with director before making any big physical changes (hairstyle, beard, tattoos etc.)

  • All actors need to bring a pencil, their script and a notebook to all rehearsals.

  • Running around/horseplay will not be permitted. When not being utilized, cast should be working on lines or observing the work of the actors’ on stage. Do not play with any props, set, costumes etc.

  • Cell phones must be silenced and put away during rehearsals.

  • All production fees are due upon casting. These can be paid with a check made out to “Connect Theatre Arts”, via PayPal or the CashApp.

  • No friends or relatives are allowed at rehearsals.

  • All students in productions will be expected to follow all code of conduct rules.

  • A students’ dismissal from a production due to behavioral issues will be at the director’s discretion. No production fees will be refunded.

  • Students in the production will be required to memorize their lines by the off-book date which will be announced at the first rehearsal. If a student is struggling to memorize their lines the director will speak with them as the off-book date approaches. Extra individual Saturday/Sunday rehearsals may be required for the student if lines are not memorized by the off-book date. The student may be replaced by another actor. If this results in the student not having a role in the play no refunds will be given.

  • Students will be given one script. If the script is lost, a $15 reprinting fee will be charged to replace it (if it is possible to print another).

  • For performances, students will be required to wear a costume chosen by a director. Respectful, cooperative attitudes are expected from all actors.

  • All student actors will also have to wear makeup and have their hair styled for a specific role. These actions are not optional and are part of every production for every student. In some instances, makeup can be applied at home. If the play requires actors to have their makeup/hair done by CTA crew, any makeup/hair product allergies need to be given to the director in writing at least 2 weeks before TECH WEEK.

  • Production teams’ attendance is crucial. Students involved in a production are allowed 2 absences that may not be taken during tech week. Please notify the director as soon as possible if you know you will be absent. 2 late arrivals to rehearsal equal one absence.

  • TECH WEEK REHEARSALS ARE MANDATORY. Please refer to the Production tech week schedule for exact dates and times.

  • When a production is over, all students in the cast are required to stay after the show and help clean up the church building. This includes wiping tables down, tearing down tables and chairs, vacuuming all rooms and the stage, cleaning bathrooms, loading set and costumes and returning the church building and stage to the condition it was in before tech week. The more help we get from parents, the faster we get out of the building. However, no students are dismissed until clean up is complete. This can take anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours depending on the help received.

  • Rehearsal days and times vary for each production. Please refer to your production schedule.


Signature of Agreement Documents:




I have read the CTA Production Contract and understand the commitment required of me as a cast member of ___________________ (production title). I understand that there are consequences for me not abiding by the guidelines laid out by CTA that could possibly result in dismissal from the production.


Student Name: _____________________________________________________


Student Signature: __________________________________________________


I received a copy of the Tech Week Schedule for ______________ (production title). I understand that Tech Week Rehearsals are mandatory and that students are allowed only 2 regular rehearsals. If I must be absent I will make sure to give the director as much notice as I possibly can.


Student Signature: ___________________________________________________


I received a copy of the CTA Code of Conduct. I have read over it and understand the policies laid out in it concerning things like: refunds, absences, sick policies, expectations, behavior guidelines, dress code etc.  I understand and agree to what is expected of me.


Student Signature: ___________________________________________________


Please list any conflicts you have with the rehearsal schedule:



Please list any hopes or desires you may have concerning this production.

Ideas: What you hope to learn, type of character you like to play, why you’re auditioning, what you desire to accomplish… etc. 






I have read the CTA Production Contract and understand the commitment required of my child. I give my child permission to participate in this production. I understand that there are consequences for my child not abiding by the guidelines laid out by CTA that could possibly result in dismissal from the production without a refund.


Parent Name: _____________________________________________________


Parent Signature: __________________________________________________


I received a copy of the Tech Week Schedule for ____________ (production title). I understand that Tech Week Rehearsals are mandatory and that students are not allowed to take absences during this week.


Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________


I received a copy of the CTA Code of Conduct. I have read over it and understand the policies laid out in it concerning things like: refunds, absences, sick policies, expectations, behavior guidelines, dress code ect.  I understand and agree to what is expected of my child.


Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________


Please list any conflicts that your student has with the rehearsal schedule. If we can work around your schedule conflicts, we will sure try. If you know specific dates that you will be out of town, be on vacation, have doctor’s appointments etc. please list those as well.


Production Contract in PDF form. Print and fill out for each production period.

Connect Theatre Arts Inc.
11715 NW 10th St.
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