Our dress policy at CTA is very important to us. Surprisingly enough, theatre class and rehearsals can get very active! We've been known to jump off of platforms, roll on the floor, crawl across the stage, hang upside down dramatically, rehearse around instruments, cords and equipment...etc. It's very important that your student is dressed appropriately for our class/rehearsal activity. Here is a run down of our dress policy for you to be able to refer to quickly:
CTA's dress policy is:
Jeans (denim, no excessive holes), a normal sized t-shirt (no crops or midi length, no pictures that are inappropriate for children---bands/weapons) and tennis shoes (no slip off shoes of any kind)
Loose track pants/sweats (no leggings, no pajamas) and a normal sized t-shirt, and tennis shoes
There will be no leniency in this area.
CTA's dress policy for dance class is:
Black leggings, black leotard, normal sized t-shirt (no crops or midi length, no pictures that are inappropriate for children--bands/weapons), black jazz shoes. Hair needs to be pulled away from face for class.
Connect Theatre Arts has a required dress policy for class and rehearsals for all students. Here is our protocol for handling instances where students do not meet dress policy standards in class/rehearsal:
FIRST INSTANCE: Parents will be notified. Student will sit out of active time in class. If it's rehearsal, student will sit out and take script notes.
SECOND INSTANCE: Parents will be called to come and pick up student or bring them a change of clothes appropriate for active play in class. Student will sit out until they have changed their clothes.
THIRD INSTANCE: Parents will be called to come get their student. The student will be dismissed from class/production.