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Come join us this summer for some fantastic theatre fun! We have two BIG SHOWS and two theatre camps planned.  Whether you enjoy silly acting, serious acting, major characters, background characters, creating characters, dancing on stage, singing on stage, beginning roles, or advanced roles, Summer At CTA has a place for you!

Our first drama intensive is in June! What is a drama intensive, you ask? It's when students come every day, all day long and work together to put on a big play in a very short amount of time. They come in the morning, bring a lunch, eat with their new cast friends, work through the afternoon, go home and then do it all again the next day! In a period of just one or two weeks, intensive participants put together a large scale, full length play!
It doesn't matter whether you have stage experience or not. There's a place for students of all acting levels in our big summer shows this year!

OUR JUNE INTENSIVE (June 10th-June 15th):

For more information on this drama intensive,
click here to visit our "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Page:

OUR JULY INTENSIVE (July 15th-27th):

For more information on this musical intensive,
click here to visit our "Oz! The Musical" Page:

SUMMER THEATRE CAMP (June 24th-28th):

For more information on our summer camps, click here:

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